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Writer's pictureEmily Corwin

Dylan Loring

At the First Local Meeting of Extreme Introverts

No one sat next to anyone else

and one guy hogged the locked bathroom

reciting small talk to the mirror.

No candidates emerged for group president

but at least five participants took minutes.

Eventually it turned into a game

of who could keep quiet the longest.

Everyone won, and the coffee shop worker

turned off the lights and locked up

before any of the introverts could leave.

They found the situation agreeable,

in that they could pretend they were alone

and no one could see them, but also disagreeable

since there wasn’t enough light to read.

Outside, purple aliens from a distant galaxy

arrived and beamed everyone up

to their airships. The alien commander

was sort of lazy and didn’t check

the dark coffee shop for human life.

When daylight came and none of their combined

twelve friends had responded to texts, the introverts

dispersed into separate corners of the shop

in order to stake out private turf.

Overnight, one introvert peed his pants

while another introvert set herself apart from the rest

by pouring the first glass of water.

On day four, the first fatality due to starvation

motivated the remaining introverts to begin

speaking to one another and eating stolen scones.

Mission accomplished!, but George W. Bush-

War on Iraq-style mission accomplished,

as when they had finally

eaten all the scones that didn’t contain raisins

and the glass-of-water-pouring introvert finally

threw the cash register through the shop window,

of course the introverts discovered they were the only

humans left on Earth. And despite their many

interpersonal breakthroughs and staggering

levels of individual progress, each decided

to move to their own country. That said,

two of the introverts who enjoyed each other’s

relative silence decided to Skype every week.

Without the video feature, of course.

Dylan Loring is a poet from Des Moines, Iowa. He recently received his MFA from Minnesota State University, Mankato and teaches at the University of Wisconsin-Barron County. His poems have appeared (or will soon appear) in Ninth Letter, Split Lip Magazine, Third Point Press, and The Minnesota Review.

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