Snow Globe
beautiful boy in dad glasses hands me cardamom cocoa.
blizzard outside, windows fog with cozy heat. under
quilt, goose feathers make it snow inside too. boy
makes malas, I curl into his flannel. this time last year, I
wanted to die. now, crows cackle circling overhead,
trees naked and shiver. clouds low, make the world
small but boy's 250 square feet apartment is plenty. it's
december and I have not left bed today, everything I
want within reach. we have enough eggs and beer to get
through the storm.
Jasper Wirtshafter is a trans poet and Master of Public Affairs student living in the least terrible town in Indiana. He performed with F Word Performers, a queer feminist art collective, for four years. His work has been published in Drunk in a Midnight Choir, Black Napkin Press and elsewhere.