day seems stranger still
i want to go to a pumpkin patch
i want to pick the ugliest pumpkin
i want to love and care for it until it oozes on my living room floor
i want to give it a beautiful eulogy and bury it in the compost bin behind my building
i want to buy a new pumpkin to make me feel better and grieve less painfully
day seems stranger still
the air is a love spell
the birds sing praises
i want to feel the sea on my skin
i want to sink deeper
i want to smell my hair after it has been baptized in the sound
a breakfast of kelp and seaweed
wash over me wash over me the pumpkin gets everything
jessie knoles is a midwesterner living in bellingham, washington. her work has been on third point press, the boiler journal, peach magazine, and queen mob's teahouse, among others. she is a poetry editor for hobart pulp.