Comic Sans
Playing the bassoon beside
the no swimming sign is not
an invitation to play frisbee
with your elder dachshund.
The rain is always in Virgo,
did you know that? It's a long,
long rope they use to hang you
soon I hope. That’s cold-blooded
in a radioactive lizard kind of way.
In a watermark kind of way,
I am apologizing for my lack
of interesting habits and wardrobe.
Please accept this buy two, get one
free coupon as a confession. As
a free, totally normal chair.
Sorry About That
This photo of Lake Michigan
will make you vibrate. Leaves
like a hot biscuit. Backing out
of the driveway in third person,
not neutral. I looked fine inside
that tree in California, but who
believes that. Like all true love,
OK. I break in a tiny way when
the roller coaster goes in reverse.
You’ll receive a gift card if you
spot it. The dead mall beautiful
and foggy. I’m sorry about that,
I’m thinking of something else.
Nate Logan was born and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana. With JJ Rowan, he's the author of mcmxciv., forthcoming from Shirt Pocket Press. He's editor and publisher of Spooky Girlfriend Press.